Shri Mahalakshmi

Shri Mahalakshmi


Maatar Namaami Kamale Kamalaayataakshi
Sri Vishnu Hrutkamala Vaasini Vishwa Maata
Kshiroodaje Kamala Koomala Garbha Gauri
Lakshmi Praseeda Satatam Namataam Sharanye

Mahaa Deevyicha Vidmahe Vishnu Patneecha Dheemahi Tanno Lakshmee Prachodayaat

Maha Lakshmi is the consort of Lord Maha Vishnu. She was born out of the Ocean of Milk during its churning by the gods and demons in pursuit of the nectar (Amrita). Sri Maha Vishnu took Her to be his consort and placed Her on his chest beside the Kaustubha jewel.

Maha Lakshmi is usually depicted seated in Sukhaaseena on a lotus flower. She has four arms. In two of them, She holds the lotus flowers. The right hand is in Abhaya Mudra. The left hand is Anugraha Mudra pouring out gold. She is the goddess of wealth. She is called Sri by the Vishnavas. Hence Lord Vishnu is called Sridhara, Srinivasa, Srikara, Srivibhavana, Sripati etc. She is also called Rama (pronounced with short Ra) and Ma (hence Maadhava – husband of Ma).

Women all over the world worship Maha Lakshmi for blessings of health, wealth and above all a long and happy marital life. Vara Lakshmi Vratamu and Sumangali Puja are popular among women to worship Maha Lakshmi.


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